Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Following on Amy's great ideas you may find that thermotherapy is an easy and fast method to preserve this seasons fresh berries for a few days, weeks longer..

Thermotherapy is basically immersing berries in hot water (113-145F) for a few minutes at the lower temperature and a few seconds at the highest.

It's as easy as that. Bathe the berries in the hot water and then set them well spread apart on a kitchen towel to dry off. Then refrigerate (cold temperatures slow fruit metabolism and mold growth) and enjoy them when you want.

Harold McGee of the NYTimes found that 30 seconds at 125F worked best for batches of Strawberries, Raspberries, Black berries, Grapes and Stone fruits. "For thicker-skinned blueberries, a Canadian study recommended a 140-degree treatment for 30 seconds. I tested it twice, with samples of around 150 berries each time. That heat took the bloom off. It melted the natural wax that gives the berries their whitish cast, and left them midnight blue. I couldn’t taste much of an effect on briefly heated ripe fruits. Thermotherapy can be healthy for all concerned" he writes.

So give those delicious fruits a quick hot bath and enjoy them for days to come.
Buon Appetito!

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